Jeffrey R. Matz LLC

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About Jeffrey R. Matz

Jeffrey R. Matz is an archetypal design thinker to whom "things designed" is as much a passionate avocation as an actual and true vocation. He believes fundamentally that project creation is about listening and leading at the same time and having a vision of how the project will present in the end.

Contact Jeffrey by phone: 203-722-3686 or email to schedule site visits to any completed or on-going construction projects and also more importantly, to talk about your new project.

The office address is Jeffrey R. Matz Architects LLC, 119 Towne Street, #668, Stamford CT 0690 map

Read a bio and see a portfolio of projects at Dwell. Read the latest posts on Jeffrey's Blog.

© Jeffrey R. Matz LLC, 119 Towne Street, #668, Stamford, CT 06902 | ph.203.722.3686 | Privacy Policy